Observe ce qui te traverse sans lutter.
Observing without fighting.
Observing without fighting.
Photo: Marie-Picard
Tu es déjà la personne que tu aimerais être. Laisse la émerger et grandir.
You are enough. Let it grow.
You are enough. Let it grow.
Photo : unknown
Aie Confiance.
Photo: Artem Bali
Ce qui manque, donne le.
Give what is missing.
Give what is missing.
Photo: Helena Lopes
Apprends à affronter les difficultés sereinement.
Remain peaceful through difficult times.
Remain peaceful through difficult times.
Photo: Jakob
Ne marche pas sur les traces d'un autre, crée ta propre route.
Follow your own path.
Follow your own path.
Photo: Life of Pix
Ecoute ta voix intérieure
Listen to your inner voice
Listen to your inner voice
Photo: Pixabay
Ne te compare à personne. C'est ta singularité qui te rend si attirante.
Don't compare yourself. Your beauty lies in your singularity.
Don't compare yourself. Your beauty lies in your singularity.
Photo: Edu Carvahlo
Arrête toi un instant. Respire.
Stop for a moment. Breathe
Stop for a moment. Breathe
Photo: Isabella Mariana
Fais chaque jour un pas vers ton rêve.
Every day, take one more step towards your dream.
Every day, take one more step towards your dream.
Photo: Pixabay
Connais tes limites. Prends en soin.
Know your limits. Take care of them.
Know your limits. Take care of them.
Photo : Luiz Clas
Mange ce qui te fais du bien.
Eat food that nurture your body and soul
Eat food that nurture your body and soul
Photo: Anise Aroma
Fais de tes imperfections une force.
Turn your weakness into strength.
Turn your weakness into strength.
Photo: George Mayer
Aujourd'hui, rappelle toi d'être la pour toi. Respecte ton corps. Donne toi des encouragements, comme tu le ferais avec ta meilleure amie.
Today, remember to be there for you. Respect your body. Give yourself the support you need as you would do it for your best friend.
Photo: Anna Om